Sr.Julie  S N D

Notre Dame Education has deep roots in a spirituality that is centered on love and trust in a good and provident God and on a profound awareness of God’s creation. It is an education for meaning, wholeness, compassion and justice. Education is a means to restore dignity to the person, to give the individual, reasons for living and to enable each person to live to the fullness of life.

We live today in a world that is very different from the one we grew up in, the one we were educated in. The world is changing at a high speed and we as educators need to reflect and see what kind of education we are imparting to the students. I recall the words of Margaret Mead who said, “Children must be taught how to think not what to think”. A person with positive thoughts and good values is the greatest asset of a country. Notre Dame makes sure that children entrusted to our care are formed with optimistic thoughts and values of sincerity, compassion, empathy and responsibility towards the society. Every child is taught and motivated to contribute his or her best share in the growth and development of the nation.

Every year our students have the joy of participating in a plethora of activities and go through lots of experiences which results inqualitative achievements as an outcome of dynamic partnership with management, teachers, students and parents.

My sincere congratulations to all the outstanding students, dedicated staff and the supportive parents. Having educated at Notre Dame where the Principles and teachings of St.Julie play a great role, I encourage you to grow as life long learners, with fine character, self-discipline, commitment and hardwork so that you can be productive members of an ever-changing global society.


Sr.Julie  S N D.